There are more than 10 Million Non Profits
How Many Did You Learn About this Year?
There are countless ways you can Give Back to others, the environment, your community and don’t forget yourself!
-How many different ways are you going to Give in 2021? You pick and make it happen.
-Do you want to track your Giving Habits? Post them!
-Do want to look through your Giving deeds at the end of the year? Then write them down and take photos!
-Want to be in the Group taking the Challenge and read about new non profits everyday? Spend your time with like minded individuals.
Join KALICOS and post all about the non profits you are Giving Back to.
Share ways to get involved with local fundraisers, a wishlist of needed supplies for a charity and post as many volunteer opportunities as you come across. Be the one to spread awareness of the non profits you meet this year. This helps others gain awareness of those non profits and in turn more may be able to help the cause because of you.
Become a Giving Influencer! Spread Hope and Good Posts!
What Can You Do in 15 minutes?
Nominate a Non Profit
Know amazing Non Profits? Nominate them for ‘Non Profit of the Month’.
Every month read through the nominations to learn about causes, missions and needed supplies. You’ll gain awareness of many non profits from around the world.
Every Non Profit is added to the map permanently so it can always be found.
Read about Non Profits on the Map
Share your favorite causes and fundraisers on social media!
Upload to Giving Gallery
Join a Challenge and Share photos of how you are Giving Back
Tracking Global AwarenesS
Awareness is Easy with the
Global Map of Giving Back!
There are over 10 million non profits across 197 countries on our planet.
On average people get involved with 4 non profits a year.
But how many are they aware of?
Would being aware of more non profits increase how many you were able to help?
KALICOS shares non profits easily on a map, their mission and what they need.
If you make it a habit ‘One A Day’, you’ll be aware of 365 non profits in a Year.
15 Minutes a Day for a Year = 91+ Hours of Awareness
Non Profit Facts
The largest source of charitable giving comes from individuals.
31% of donors worldwide give to NGOs, NPOs & charities located outside of their country of residence.
43% attend or participate in charitable events in their community because of social media.
55% of people who engage with nonprofits on social media end up taking some sort of action.
Giving Back is a lifestyle
Establishing a habit of awareness everyday increases the amount of non profits you can help every year! The more you know about, the more likely you are to find a way to get involved online or in person.
where will you make an impact?
Close to home or on every country? That’s up to you. KALICOS highlights different non profits and the many ways you can help.
Choose your own Adventure
Become an advocate for an entire community or one non profit from your travels. No matter your journey, Awareness is the Focus.